Emotional intelligence is the third of the four components of intelligence, and its level can be measured.
Spiritual intelligence is the highest level of human intelligence, but one can have high spiritual intelligence only when one has high emotional and emotional intelligence. The deeper and broader the level of emotional intelligence, the more it will lead to the expansion of spiritual intelligence.
Wisdom and compassion are two very important factors in spiritual intelligence, and their necessity is the harmony between the mind and the heart. This harmony occurs only when one has high emotional intelligence
When emotional intelligence reaches a stage of harmony and expansion and merges with spiritual intelligence, the mind and heart will be in harmony with each other, and ultimately you will have a harmonious flight in the sky of life, and as a result, your existential capacity will increase and you will have the power of analysis.
The conflict between the mind and the heart creates chaos, so there must be complete connection and harmony between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence. People who do not hesitate when making decisions, make wise decisions, and do not regret their decisions have achieved harmony between the mind and the heart and have very good emotional and spiritual intelligence.
People with high capacity, due to their strong emotional intelligence, consider others as having rights and deserving of respect. You will not feel insecure in your relationship with these people and will enjoy mental peace.
People with high emotional intelligence try to recognize and understand others without judgment or bias.
To strengthen emotional intelligence, one must increase one’s inner capacity, and this requires a nonjudgmental understanding of the society around us. Also, to develop emotional intelligence, one must be a good and capable listener.
People with high emotional intelligence always consider the principle that every behavior has an appearance that is like a facade, but behind it there is a foundation. In other words, they know semiotics and behaviorism and always cleverly see the foundations of behaviors and do not pay attention to the foundation of behavior.
You can have high emotional intelligence when you have high understanding, avoid judgment, and are a very appreciative listener and silent observer.