Humanistic approach

Humanistic psychologists believe that behaviorists pay too much attention to the analysis and scientific investigation of people’s actions as organisms (ignoring the basic aspects of people as emotional and thinking people) and a lot of effort is spent in laboratory research. and reduces human behavior to its elements.Humanists do not agree with psychoanalysis about the…

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Unlike other therapies, psychoanalysis is not a question-and-answer process, but the first priority of psychoanalysis is for the client to speak and the psychoanalyst to listen carefully to his words so that the client does not even feel the therapist’s presence and can think out loud without self-censorship. slow down and reveal your inner feelings…

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Existential Psychotherapy

Existential Psychotherapy is a therapeutic approach that is optimistic about human nature and, while reminding individuals of their limitations, also values their strengths, talents, and unique abilities. Existential psychotherapy is a subfield of humanistic psychology and shares many similarities with humanistic psychology, experiential therapy, analytic therapy, and relational therapy. Existential therapy is inspired by the…

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