As a being who lives in society and assumes various roles, a human uses a specific type of rationality. Consequently, there are various models for examining these types of rationality, one of which is Richard Paul’s model, which we will explain in this article. According to this model, an individual’s perspective holds a very fundamental and vital place in their rational criteria. A person with broad rationality and mental perspectives has an expansive viewpoint. In addition, this person is capable of assuming roles such as a mother, wife, daughter, and so on.
Differences in Perspectives
A logical person has a broad perspective and, in addition, is aware of the limitations of their viewpoints. The majority of problems arise when an individual is unaware of the limitations of their mental perspectives and viewpoints.
What you are in life is a result of your perspective. In fact, your present situation is a reflection of your viewpoint, so a broad perspective will lead to your success. A person interprets the world around them based on their age, mind, education, training, culture, society, and so on, and then makes decisions based on this interpretation, becoming the product of their own decisions. For example, if an economist intends to analyze a phenomenon like the COVID-19 pandemic, they will look at it from a financial perspective, calculating that the cost of vaccinating is less than treating COVID-19 patients. Therefore, vaccination is a better solution. However, the criterion for a politician is power, so they calculate that having the technology to produce vaccines will increase the power of the society.
On the other hand, the general public views the issue of COVID-19 from an ethical perspective because ethics does not require expertise and is a universal viewpoint. They argue that anything that jeopardizes the health of others is unethical. Therefore, the differences in perspectives are apparent based on social positions. For example, Aaron T. Beck’s viewpoint as a psychologist on the COVID-19 phenomenon strengthens the aspect of empathy and convergence.
Anyone can have a perspective, but the crucial issue is whether that perspective is standardized. A car may have a steering wheel, brakes, gears, clutch, and so on, but not every car that has these features is necessarily standard. Perspectives can include various components and angles, but they are not necessarily standardized.
Criteria for a Standardized Perspective
For a perspective to be standardized, it must be broad and not limited. A limited perspective is like looking at the world through a keyhole—it lacks a wide horizon and proper interpretation. Therefore, having a broad outlook is of great importance. But how can one have a broad perspective? You can be a thinker with critical thinking, balancing both reasoning and critique together.
To recognize a creative thinker, one should use a method of contradiction and examine the characteristics of a non-critical thinker who lacks a broad perspective.
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Characteristics of Non-Critical Thinkers
One of the characteristics of individuals with a limited perspective is that, due to their lack of broad vision, they believe they possess all the truths of the world at once. This makes it difficult for them to make choices. Their viewpoint is restricted and expressed in a specific framework. For example, they may analyze every phenomenon through the lens of their family members’ or acquaintances’ thoughts and perspectives.
The second characteristic of non-critical thinkers is that they reduce a multi-logical and multi-faceted issue to a single logical and single-dimensional one. They ignore all aspects of an issue and focus only on one dimension to justify themselves within that perspective. The reason for this is low emotional intelligence, which, as mentioned in other articles, is acquired and can be developed.
Another trait of non-critical thinkers is that they befriend those who agree with them and validate their views, rather than befriending those who offer constructive criticism. Thus, they only receive validation from their inner circle, and this leads to stagnation because growth requires the reception of constructive criticism.
The Reason for the Low Wisdom of a Society
The reason for the low wisdom in a society is that individuals are raised to be similar to each other and uniform, which results in the absence of constructive criticism in that society. Even the appearance and attire of individuals in this society become standardized and are based on current trends. A society’s reliance on a fixed viewpoint leads to its decline, even if that viewpoint is generally correct. The phenomenon of homogenizing individuals in a society, both in their personal and social dimensions, will cause stagnation.
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How Can We Standardize Thoughts Through Critical Thinking?
The first recommendation is to criticize yourself and examine the limitations of your thoughts and perspectives, then critique those limitations because criticism broadens your viewpoint.
The second approach is to engage in study, which can take various forms, such as reading books and articles, watching educational films, attending courses taught by experienced professors, reading novels and placing yourself in the shoes of the characters to analyze them, and socializing with educated and well-read individuals.
The third method is to interact with people who have different perspectives so that constructive criticism can contribute to your growth. A critical thinker never says that the truth is what I think; rather, they say that the truth, from my perspective, is this. Recognizing and accepting your limitations will help you gradually work to overcome them. In fact, the more you interact with people who have a broader perspective, the more your own viewpoint will expand.