What is Spiritual Intelligence? Does spiritual intelligence relate to spirituality? What are the characteristics of individuals with high spiritual intelligence? Is spiritual intelligence changeable? Spiritual intelligence is the final piece of the human personality puzzle, making it a crucial stage that can complete a person’s identity. In Persian, spiritual intelligence is synonymous with virtue and knowledge
Spiritual intelligence is broader and more expansive than the circle of religion and religious beliefs. In other words, a person can be completely irreligious yet possess abundant spiritual intelligence, and the opposite can also be true. Characteristics of Individuals with High Spiritual Intelligence: 1. Steadfastness: These individuals are very steadfast and committed to the specific laws and ethical principles they have defined for themselves.
2. Radiance: Like the sun, they constantly offer kindness and love, even when faced with unkindness and hostility from others. Their perspective toward others remains positive and benevolent. 3. Persuasiveness: They possess strong persuasive abilities and high reasoning and deduction skills. 4. Altruism: Selfishness is absent in these individuals; they are very altruistic and exhibit a great deal of selflessness. Key Factors: Wisdom and compassion are two very important factors in defining spiritual intelligence.
The wisdom and rationality of these individuals overshadow their compassion and nobility.
They are not governed by blind emotions; it is said that there is no conflict between their intellect and heart.
. Individuals with high spiritual intelligence perform their duties regardless of the status of those around them. Their inner peace is independent of external storms. They are very mindful of their roles and positions and strive to avoid interfering beyond their designated roles.
A noteworthy point about spiritual intelligence is that it is teachable and learnable.